Integrated Urgent Care
Domain Message Specification

IntegratedUrgentCareTriageDevice Tabular View


This template is used to identify a triage software version.

Used by:
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: RoleClass } )
{ Fixed="ROL" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode describes this class as a role.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " ROL".
[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:NHS111TriageDeviceType } )
{ Fixed="TS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code taken from the NHS111TriageDeviceType vocabulary to describe the type of device.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Coded Plain data type flavour of Coded Value (CV) shall be used to carry this information in the XML element code as follows:

  • The XML attribute code is fixed to "TS"
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[1..1] [M] templateId (II)
{ Fixed="COCD_TP145000GB01#ParticipantRole" }
Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute templateId provides a unique identifier for the template and the class name within that template. This is used to identify how the CDA standard has been constrained for NHS use.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element templateId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension is fixed to "COCD_TP145000GB01#ParticipantRole"
[1..1] [M] playingDevice (Device)
A link to the device which is playing this role.

A class which details the software and version that produced the triage data.

Note: Device can mean software only.

Used by: ParticipantRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: EntityClass } )
{ Fixed="DEV" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode describes this class as a device.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " DEV".
[1..1] [M] determinerCode (CS { CNE: EntityDeterminer } )
{ Fixed="INSTANCE" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute determinerCode describes this class as an instance of a device.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute determinerCode is fixed to " INSTANCE".
[1..1] [M] manufacturerModelName (SC { CWE: ManufacturerModelName } )

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute manufacturedModelName uses a character string that optionally may have a code attached; this combination is used to describe the manufacturer's name and / or model for the device or system. The text must always be present if a code is present. The code will be a local code.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element manufacturedModelName is used to describe the devices manufacturer's name and / or model and is populated as shown below:

  • The XML element manufacturedModelName shall contain a text string which describes the manufacturer's name and / or model
  • The XML attribute code may contain a code from any local vocabulary which describes the manufacturer's name and / or model, When the code is used then:
    • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID from the local vocabulary
    • The XML attribute displayName shall contain the description associated with the XML attribute code

[1..1] [M] softwareName (SC { CWE: SoftwareName } )

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute softwareName uses a character string that optionally may have a code attached, this combination is used to describe the software installed / running on the device or system. The text must always be present if a code is present. The code will be a local code.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element softwareName is used to describe the device's software and is populated as shown below:

  • The XML element softwareName shall contain a text string which describes the software
  • The XML attribute code may contain a code from any local vocabulary which describes the software, When the code is used then:
    • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID from the local vocabulary
    • The XML attribute displayName shall contain the description associated with the XML attribute code
[1..1] [M] templateId (II)
{ Fixed="COCD_TP145000GB01#playingDevice" }
Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute templateId provides a unique identifier for the template and the class name within that template. This is used to identify how the CDA standard has been constrained for NHS use.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element templateId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension is fixed to "COCD_TP145000GB01#playingDevice"